We are dedicated to multidisciplinary research in the area of wave-matter interaction from microwaves to optics. Grounded on the fundamental physical principles, and the on-demand dimensionality of materials and nanomaterials, we address tantalizing experimental and theoretical physical questions in the fields of nanophotonics, plasmonics, and metamaterials applicable to global energy, defense, and health challenges.

Recent Publications
H. Nasari, M. Dupré, B. Kanté, “Efficient design of random metasurfaces”, Opt. Lett. 43, 5829-5832 (2018) |
J. Ha, A. Ndao, L. Y. Hsu, J.-H. Park, B. Kanté, “Planar dielectric cylindrical lens at 800 nm and the role of fabrication imperfections”, Opt. Express 26, 23178-23184 (2018) |
J. Wang, S. Wagner, W. Chen, Y. Shi, A. Ndao, L. Li, B. Kanté, D. Sirbuly, M. C. Lemme, S. V.-Mena, “Integration of Nanomaterials into Three-Dimensional Vertical Architectures”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 (34), pp 28262–28268 |
M. Dupré, L. Y. Hsu, B. Kanté, “On the design of random metasurface based devices”, Scientific Reports 8, 7162 (2018) |
B. Bahari, A. Ndao, F. Vallini, A. El Amili, Y. Fainman, B. Kanté, “Nonreciprocal lasing in topological cavities of arbitrary geometries”, Science 358, 636-640 (2017) |